Saturday, June 11, 2011

a short story

So today I wrote a short story. It was about this guy who had the amazing ability to go back and forth through time, changing whatever he pleased. He did this for a while, generally living a linear life but going back and changing things occasionally, whenever he made a mistake or didn't like something. He worked hard to create his perfect little world, and the work was paying off. After a while it seemed like the world he had created was wonderful, so he stopped going back and forth through time and just sort of went along with the grove of it. After a while, things started going poorly for my protagonist, and he didn't like how things were turning out. He ended up committing suicide because of it. After I wrote this part, I decided I didn't like how my story had turned out, so I threw it away.


  1. Never trow it away.. you can become inspired years later and make it a best seller!

  2. dude sounds pretty interesting should of shared it =P.

  3. Oh gosh he knows about me! now I have to go kill his baby self.

  4. hope you can retrieve it. i'm sure people would enjoy reading it. like -BB said, you might eventually think of an alternative ending. keep writing!

  5. Does the doctor know about this?

  6. hmmm, interesting internal battle

  7. Sounds like a good story, maybe you'll develop a better ending eventually.

  8. in the end everything is nothing it seems haha ;)

  9. I always wondered what kind of psychological effects time travel would have on a person.l

  10. Sounds like a dark "Click" - I'd quite liked to have read it :(

  11. I think details and more action will make it perfect;)

  12. Very interesting, keep it up!

  13. I do similar with designs I make, but instead of throwing it away, just store it somewhere that's not in the way but you know where it is- you never know when you might want to start up with it again

  14. Aww, it would have been an interesting story to read!
